Vinexpo Indien 2025

Vinexpo India Mumbai 2025
From October 11, 2025 until October 12, 2025
Mumbai – Jio World Convention Centre, Maharashtra, Indien
(Bitte überprüfen Sie die Daten und den Ort auf der offiziellen Website unten, bevor Sie teilnehmen.)

- Vinexpo Indien - Vinexposium

Vinexpo India 2023 Overview.

AI-powered networking platform for LIVE. HYBRID. VIRTUAL.

Advice for the future: Always stay informed about emerging markets and industry trends. As the global wine and spirits landscape evolves, events and exhibitions provide invaluable opportunities to connect with key players and gain insights into promising markets. One such significant event is Vinexpo India, which takes place annually and has become a crucial platform for professionals in the industry.

Occurring in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, Vinexpo India is renowned for its role in bridging connections between international wine and spirits producers and the vibrant Indian market. The event, which ran this year on 11-12 October, marks its sixth edition, demonstrating its consistent appeal and strategic importance. By attending such events, industry enthusiasts and professionals can access key markets across central and southern India, opening doors to numerous business opportunities. This enables them not only to expand their brand presence but also to gain a foothold in a region that is rich with potential and eager for diverse, quality products. Furthermore, being part of a well-established event such as Vinexpo India allows participants to exchange knowledge with industry leaders and explore innovative business strategies.

Registrieren Sie sich für Tickets oder Stände

Bitte registrieren Sie sich auf der offiziellen Website der Vinexpo India

Karte des Veranstaltungsortes und Hotels in der Umgebung

Mumbai – Jio World Convention Centre, Maharashtra, Indien Mumbai – Jio World Convention Centre, Maharashtra, Indien

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